Buffie teaches women how to get they A$$ right

So you want A$$ like Nicki Minaj in the Big Sean Video Huh?

Well, there is always the BOOTY SHOTS, but if you are willing to workout hard, sweat and naturally acquire a booty, Buffie “THE BODY” Carruth has a nice website, tailored for women and their needs. Bodynomics.com (or Bootynomics.com which ever you like better) is a easy to navigate site with tons of videos, nutrtional advice and everything a woman needs to know to get that a$$ right. I urge my women viewers to head over and check it out. COmeback and drop a comment on how you think it is so I can tell Buffie. Thanks!

Finding GOD Within & the Preciousness Of LIFE… #Fitism

Yesterday, crowds of people ascended upon Prospect Park in support of friends & love ones who are suffering or who have died from Cancer (mainly breast cancer). I went in support of a good friend of mine who was recently diagnosed with Cervical Cancer. I was truly proud to see the turn out. Hundreds of people, young & old, from strollers to wheel chairs walking together to fight a disease that is destroying our community. Yesterday I witness Humanity. It wasn’t about a color, religion or a political party, age or gender, it was about LIFE and how precious living is.

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Making Strides of Brooklyn walks for Breast Cancer tomorrow!

Date: Sunday, October 16th, 2011
Location: Prospect Park – 9th Street Bandshell
Time: 10:00AM
Map: Link to Directions

86th Street Chevrolet are graciously donating their staff & two of their vehicles to pick up Striders & escorting them to Prospect Park. Pick up locations are at the Grand Army Plaza subway station (2, 3 trains) and the 7th Avenue subway station (B, Q) and will drop-off Striders at the 9th Street Bandshell. Services will be available from 9:00 am to Noon and 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm for all our Striders, especially our Survivors and those that have limited walking capabilities. Continue reading

RIck Ross (@Rickyrozay) Health Scare!

Yesterday, according to the Miami Herald, Rap Star Rick Ross suffered two seizures, causing two separate planes to return to the ground.

The first seizure came aboard a flight departing from Fort Lauderdale and destined for Memphis, Tenn., Friday afternoon, forcing the pilot to return to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, where paramedics were waiting and transported Ross to Broward General Medical Center.
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Scientist say ” #FoodSecurity more of a problem than #ClimateChange” #Fitism

via UK Guardian / Found on MonkeyBarGym.com
Food security and the rapid rise in food prices make up the “elephant in the room” that politicians must face up to quickly, according to the government’s new chief scientific adviser. In his first major speech since taking over, Professor John Beddington said the global rush to grow biofuels was compounding the problem, and cutting down rainforest to produce biofuel crops was “profoundly stupid”. He told the Govnet Sustainable Development UK Conference in Westminster: “There is progress on climate change. But out there is another major problem. It is very hard to imagine how we can see a world growing enough crops to produce renewable energy and at the same time meet the enormous increase in the demand for food which is quite properly going to happen as we alleviate poverty.”
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Studies say “Don’t F with #VitaminE!” #Fitism #ProstateCancer

Via: San Francisco Chronicle
There is more evidence that taking vitamin E pills can be risky. A study that followed up on men who took high doses of the vitamin for about five years found they had a slightly increased risk of prostate cancer – even after they quit taking the pills.

Doctors say it’s another sign that people should be careful about using vitamins and other supplements.
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#FITISM: Whats In Your Blender? Ep1 by Chris Green (@Knsocial)

What’s In Your Blender?

Water & Ice
Acai Berry Juice
EAS Pro Science FINISH recovery shake (Strawberry flavored)
Greek Yogurt
Smart Balance Rich Roasted Peanut Butter
Flax Seeds

Log on to FITISM.com for your daily fix of healthy news
Follow @knsocial on twitter

Special thanks to @EASBrand and #TeamMyoplex
Log on to EAS.com for more great products

#ChocolateWeek Dark Chocolate is Good For You! Here’s Why….

A Harvard study found that eating a small square of dark chocolate daily can help lower blood pressure for people with hypertension.The study analyzed 24 chocolate studies involving 1,106 people. It found that dark chocolate, the kind that contains at least 50 to 70 percent cocoa, lowered blood pressure in all participants, but most notably in those with hypertension. Eric Ding of Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a coauthor of the study, says researchers also found that chocolate increased insulin sensitivity, good for lowering diabetes risk.

Dark chocolate also appears to affect cholesterol. The Harvard researchers found some evidence for a small decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol and a significant increase in HDL (good) cholesterol. Triglycerides, however, were unchanged.

As the researchers write, there is “rather strong evidence” that cocoa consumption improves several important cardiovascular risk factors “and likely reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Read the entire article here