RIck Ross (@Rickyrozay) Health Scare!

Yesterday, according to the Miami Herald, Rap Star Rick Ross suffered two seizures, causing two separate planes to return to the ground.

The first seizure came aboard a flight departing from Fort Lauderdale and destined for Memphis, Tenn., Friday afternoon, forcing the pilot to return to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, where paramedics were waiting and transported Ross to Broward General Medical Center.
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#ChocolateWeek Dark Chocolate is Good For You! Here’s Why….

A Harvard study found that eating a small square of dark chocolate daily can help lower blood pressure for people with hypertension.The study analyzed 24 chocolate studies involving 1,106 people. It found that dark chocolate, the kind that contains at least 50 to 70 percent cocoa, lowered blood pressure in all participants, but most notably in those with hypertension. Eric Ding of Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a coauthor of the study, says researchers also found that chocolate increased insulin sensitivity, good for lowering diabetes risk.

Dark chocolate also appears to affect cholesterol. The Harvard researchers found some evidence for a small decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol and a significant increase in HDL (good) cholesterol. Triglycerides, however, were unchanged.

As the researchers write, there is “rather strong evidence” that cocoa consumption improves several important cardiovascular risk factors “and likely reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.”

Read the entire article here

Microsoft Connected Health Conference – What’s Next in Health: The Federal and State Perspectives

There has been a significant amount of talk around the country around how to rein in rising healthcare costs with resulting policy changes, meaningful use recommendations and a critical eye on reimbursement policies. Current and former federal HHS officials, Governors, and the Virginia State Health Secretary provide their first-hand perspective on implementing public policy and the forces driving evolving payment models and delivery system reform. Our panel will go beyond the chatter and delve into how to achieve tangible progress in a changing healthcare environment.

Phil Bredesen, Former Governor of Tennessee and Author of Fresh Medicine
Bill Hazel, Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources
Mike Leavitt, Founder and Chairman of Leavitt Partners, former Governor of Utah and Secretary, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Peter Neupert, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Health Solutions Group

Jewelry for Health?

Ever wonder why rappers wear so much Jewelry? Don’t ask them because you’ll be as confused as they are when done. They’ll probably say to floss and then you’ll think Flossing as in teeth and blah blah… trust me DON’T ASK THE RAPPER. However, according to Alternative Medicine studies such as Ayurveda (which I recently gained interest in), precious GEMS may have health benefits.. Here is a list I C&P’ed (Copy&Paste) from http://healindia.in/ Continue reading