Rastafarian Diet… Says “Meat is a form of cannibalism!”

There are no beer bellies, spare tyres or love handles at Bobo Hill.

No hippy women with meaty thighs or flabby arms.

In this tightly governed hillside community of Rastas on the fringes of eastern Kingston, bodies are lean with nary an ounce to spare.

The slender physiques are a testimony to their meatless diet. The Rastafarians at Bobo Hill say they do not eat meat, or ground provisions that grow on a vine, like pumpkin, red peas and sweet potato. Instead, they eat mainly fruits; vegetables; ground provisions like yam and dasheen; bananas and plantains; and whole wheat flour.

Bobo Hill grows its own food ­ callaloo, peanuts, bananas, dasheen, coco, plantain, Irish potato, carrot, cassava, and a variety of other items. (They do, however, buy from outside when they run short.) They also bake their own bread, yatty (patty), and puddings. Continue reading


Published last month, The New Evolution Diet: What Our Paleolithic Ancestors Can Teach Us About Weight LossFitness and Aging, lays out an approach to food and exercise that feels intuitive.

The basic principles of the diet line up directly with Taubes’ own conclusions: The more carbohydrates we eat, the higher our blood sugar, the more insulin we require, the more fat we store.

Arthur De Vany, author of The New Evolution Diet, frames his plan in terms of evolutionary logic—how do our genes intend for us to eat?

This is why De Vany argues that the traditional paradigm of eat less, burn more is so wrong-headed. It doesn’t work because it goes against millennia of human instinct, which dictated eating as much as possible when food was available, and moving only when hunger or threat required it.

When in doubt, eat foods “that you (or someone else) can either pick or catch and kill.”